30.01.2021 (сб) 19:10. The second round of the camp, UPC Contest, is finished. The standings before virtual contestants start and current ratings are available at the respective links.
30.01.2021 (сб) 10:00. The second round of the camp is started. The standings are available at the Contest link.
29.01.2021 (пт) 15:00. The first round of the camp, Jagiellonian U Contest, is finished. The standings before virtual contestants start and current ratings are available at the respective links.
29.01.2021 (пт) 10:00. The first round of the camp is started. The standings are available at the Contest link.
28.01.2021 (чт) 10:00. The 40th Petrozavodsk Programming Camp Winter-2021 is opened. Due to pandemic restrictions the camp is held online. Days 4 and 5 of the camp will be used at ICPC Online Training camp PTZ/Shanghai, powered by Huawei, as separate competition.